What Steps Should You Take After the Accident Has Happened? – Mokaram Law Firm

Mokaram Law Firm


What Steps Should You Take After the Accident Has Happened?

An accident is such an experience that nobody wants to experience it. But almost everyone has to experience it, whether the person is liable for the accident or not. An accident can cause lots of damage and loss that can be very stressful for a person. A person who has experienced it for the first time doesn’t know what to do. For better understanding you should know what steps you should take after the accident has happened.  

If you or someone you know has experienced a deadly accident, you should know some steps that can help in making the claim process seamless. Whether it is a major accident or a minor one, it is always better to educate yourself and prepare yourself for the accident.  

Here are some important steps you should consider after an accident.

Try to Stay Calm

A victim starts panicking when they experience a serious accident. In such a situation try to stay calm to fight the incident. After experiencing an accident, take a long and deep breath to normalize your heart rate. After staying relaxed, check where the accident happened and how you can exit from your car to remain in a safe place.

Look Who is Hurt

After the accident never leave the scene even if you have experienced a minor accident. Try to stay at the accident place and see who is hurt in the accident. If everybody else is fine it means only you get injured from the accident. Check yourself where you get bruises and injuries to know which part of your body is affected.

Put Your Vehicle Out of Danger

The first thing you must do is to ensure your safety. Your safety should be your priority and to secure it, try to remove yourself and your vehicle from the place of the accident. If you’re badly injured ask someone to place your car in a safe place, and you should move to a safe place too. Your car may be blocking the road, which can result in more disaster. To avoid further damage ensure your safety and ask for help.  

To indicate to people an emergency you can put your lights on or you can use emergency lights. If the accident is very serious leave the vehicle there and make sure to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Put Your Vehicle Out of Danger

Call Emergency Services

After moving yourself to a safe place make sure to call emergency services. It is essential to call them to rescue yourself. Avoiding emergency services can risk your life and claim in the future. The emergency service will come to rescue and police will investigate the accident scene to find what happened. When you seek compensation, the first thing the liable party demands is a police report. Thus, it is essential to call the police so they can create a report for the accident.

Seek Medical Assistance

The most important thing you need is medical assistance. Things can turn worse if you don’t get medical help immediately. Health professionals will thoroughly examine your condition and diagnose what type of injuries you have. They will start effective treatment for your rapid recovery from the accident. Ignoring medical assistance not only risks your life but your claim too. While filing a case for compensation, your personal injury lawyer in Corpus-Christi will need your medical bills to seek fair compensation.

Seek Medical Assistance

Gather Valuable Information

After an accident, if it is possible for you, then you should gather maximum evidence to make your case much stronger. You can gather evidence in the form of photos, videos, and eyewitness statements to prove yourself innocent in an accident case.  

Moreover, it is vital to exchange information with other people affected by the accident. It will help you to provide more witnesses in the case. You can note the color, model, and number plate of the car to report it in the future.

Avoid Discussing Liability of the Accident

Whether you know the at-fault party or not, avoid discussing the liability at the time of the accident. At the time of accident people show different emotions and perspectives, so it is better not to accuse anyone. Try to stay calm and gather the maximum information to know who was at fault and why the accident happened.  

In a thorough investigation you can use the information gathered and find who was liable for the accident. You can claim compensation for the damages and loss you have suffered due to someone else’s negligence.

Contact Your Insurance Company

After the accident it is essential to contact your insurance company to start the process for compensation. An insurance company will tell you what documents are needed to proceed and know your side of the story to understand how the accident happened. At this stage, you have to stay smart to avoid any critical mistakes.  

Seeking compensation from the insurance company is not easy. Insurance companies always ensure their profit by avoiding or reducing the payment of compensation. However, it is difficult to negotiate with the insurance company for fair compensation but not notifying them about your accident can impact your case.

Hire a Lawyer

After the accident the most important step you must take is to hire a lawyer that specializes in personal injury law. A lawyer will be your guide and support in filing a case for the claim. While you’re getting medical assistance you have someone on your side who will perform investigation and other legal proceedings on your behalf. An ordinary individual doesn’t know about their rights and laws about accidents. A lawyer will guide you through everything that you must know to proceed with your case.  

Moreover, the most important task a lawyer does is negotiation with the insurance company. Insurance companies are used to these types of accidents and they know how to pay very little in compensation. To fight for your rights you need a lawyer who can deal with the insurer and fight for fair compensation.  

At Mokaram Law Firm, there is a big team of personal injury lawyers with remarkable resources who fight for their clients to provide the best possible compensation for their suffering and loss.

Try to Avoid Accidents in the Future

After a horrible experience, you may never want to experience it again. To make sure you never suffer from an accident it is important to take some precautions to avoid accidents. Below are the best practices that you must consider: 

  • Obey traffic rules completely that will ensure your safety and other safety too. In traffic rule, it includes stopping at signals, limiting speeding and avoiding distracted driving.  
  • Try to drive your vehicle defensively. Pay more attention to the road and other drivers driving to stay alert on the road to avoid a crash.  
  • Keep your eye around the place you are going. 
  • Keep your car maintained to avoid any malfunctioning of your vehicle.

Choose Mokaram Law Firm for Accident Compensation

An accident is a traumatizing event that comes with lots of loss and issues that badly impact the life of a person. If you or your loved one has experienced a severe vehicle accident it is important to seek compensation for your medical bills and other losses. You don’t need to pay the bills from your pocket, with the help of a lawyer you can get compensation from the liable party. For free consultation feel free to call us at (281) 609-9224


Past results do not guarantee future performance. The $1B amount reflects the NFL concussion MDL settlement not an individual claim.

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If There Was No Injury Then There Is No Claim to be Filed.

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We can't provide a valuation for the claim if the accident is reported as "at fault" or if there's no clear determination of fault.

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